FINZ (Fundraising Institute of NZ) Conference 2022: 30 Aug - 1 Sept, Wellington

June 17, 2022

Changemakers - The Impact of You

Aiming to be the biggest/largest gathering of Changemakers, and the largest FINZ Conference in the history of FINZ!

For more information, please visit the FINZ website:

Or click on the registration link here

Highlights of the Conference


·        5 Masterclasses

·        Masterclass day registration also includes FiresideChat, Welcome Cocktail Function and IWITOT.

·        5 in person streams across the full two-day Conference

·        Two-day Conference registration includes FiresideChat, Welcome Cocktail Function and IWITOT. AND the FINZ Awards Gala event

·        Over 40 sessions, over 50 speakers/presenters

·        All exhibit spaces have been SOLD out – strong indication of the desire to attend!

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